The “Engage Atlantic City,” series is being coordinated by Stockton’s Political Engagement Project and is open to the public.
“The Atlantic City Experience: The Past as Prologue” will be held from 4:30-6 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 8 in the Campus Center Meeting Room 5. The event will feature a presentation on the city’s history by Heather Perez, special collections librarian and university archivist.
"'Voices from Atlantic City’: Revitalizing Community in a Changing Economy” will take place from 6-7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 9 in the Campus Center Theater. The event will feature a screening of the documentary
“Voices from Atlantic City” followed by a panel discussion with Deborah M. Figart, distinguished professor of economics; Ellen Mutari professor of economics; Merydawilda Colon, executive director for the Stockton Center for Community Engagement; and Evan Sanchez co-founder, Authentic City Partners and ThisIsAC.
“Deliberative Dialogue on Public Health in Atlantic City” will take place in two sessions from 10:30 a.m.–12 p.m. and 12:30–2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 17 in the Campus Center Event Room. The event will feature interactive sessions where students will engage in guided discussion and deliberation about different policy ideas for improving public health outcomes in Atlantic City.
“This series brings together experts from our campus and the Atlantic City community to discuss important issues facing the city,” said Claire Abernathy, assistant professor of political science and faculty co-chair of the Political Engagement Project with Jennifer Forestal, assistant professor of political science.
“The goal of the series is to deepen our understanding of and engagement with this rich and complex city in preparation for the opening of Stockton’s Atlantic City campus,” Forestal said.
For more information on Stockton University’s American DemocracyProject/Political Engagement Project, visit