Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 8:45 PM
Subject: Growing New Jersey's Network of Makers
Hello New Jersey’s network of Makers,
Thank you everyone who has completed the New Jersey’s Maker Network form.
We have almost 100 individuals and organizations from around the state signed up so far including K-12 educators, higher education initiatives, out-of-school for profit and nonprofit organizations, manufactures, libraries, and, private and corporate foundations.
Next week the conversation with the White House’s Andrew Coy, Senior Advisor on Making, OSTP, EOP will continue.
After reviewing our growing list of Makers, he will help to formulate our state’s next-steps towards fostering relationships with the White House and federal government and agencies. In the coming months, this dialogue will become more focused on our state’s efforts to promote making and the resources needed to best serve our networks and initiatives.
Your network may include maker-minded individuals and organizations, colleagues, partners, foundations that support your efforts, local manufactures big and small, or associations of organizations or manufactures. If they make something from nothing or support those who do, they should be invited to contribute.
Share freely and thanks!
Ryan Reedell
Manager, Makerspace at Newark Museum
Producer, Greater Newark Mini Maker Faire
E: [email protected]