Mr. Russo will succeed John Galandak, who is retiring after 11 years as president. CIANJ is a state business advocacy organization representing more than 950 corporate members from every industry sector.
Before becoming CIANJ president, Mr. Galandak led the association’s education affiliate, The Foundation for Free Enterprise.
Mr. Galandak will retire from CIANJ at the end of April after a total of 30 years of service to the association and the foundation.
Mr. Russo, who currently serves as the association’s executive vice president of government affairs and communications, thanked the board for the opportunity it is giving him.
“I am deeply humbled, honored and privileged to have been chosen to lead this organization as it enters its 90th year of service to the business community. I thank the members of the board for their support and confidence, and I look forward to continuing the work of improving the business climate in New Jersey,” Russo said.
The announcement came as the board welcomed seven new directors to the association. They are:
- Kathleen Alexander, a partner at Sax LLP;
- William M. Flynn, senior vice president and chief financial officer at Sharp Electronics Corp.;
- Matthew Mahoney, vice president of external affairs at Suez North America;
- Thomas J. Kemly, president and CEO of Columbia Bank;
- Dina Opici, president of Opici Family Distributing;
- Stephanie Schwartz, president of Chilton Medical Center;
- Dax Strohmeyer, president of Triangle Manufacturing.
Mr. Silverstein, a member of Dorfman, Abrams, Music LLC, was selected as the new chairman of the board at the CIANJ annual luncheon in October.
Mr. Silverstein oversees the executive committee, which includes: Richard W. Abramson, a partner at Cole Schotz, who is vice chairman;
- Kathleen Alexander, who is treasurer;
- Joseph Imperato, Jr., a partner at XSolutions Consulting Services LLC, who is secretary; and five at-large members: William Hanson, president of NAI James E. Hanson;
- David Repetto, co-managing partner, Harwood Lloyd, LLC;
- Thomas J. Shara, president and CEO of Lakeland Bank;
- Peter Philip Mercer, Ph.D, president of Ramapo College;
- Audrey Murphy, executive vice president and chief legal officer of Hackensack Meridian Health.