The America of the near future will look nothing like the America of the recent past.
What will work look like in a hyper connected, technology driven world? The Future of Work Part II will go beyond job growth and American competitiveness to look at the nature of work and society through new lenses.
Some say, beyond just hardware acquisition, the next decade will be defined by an all-digital lifestyle and the "Internet of Everything"-where everything, from the dishwasher to the wristwatch, is not only online, but acquiring, analyzing, and utilizing the data that surrounds us. But what does this mean in practice? What does this mean for the Future of Work?
Could the rise of driverless cars save thousands of American lives each year, and perhaps hundreds of thousands more around the planet? Could massive inefficiencies, such as the supply chains in Africa allowing food to rot before it can be fed to the hungry, be overcome? Could it mean that individuals will have more freedom in action, work, health, and pursuits than ever before?
As business, technology and policy leaders, we must explore these trends and try to predict how they will affect employees and employers, individual careers and organizations.
Other speakers to include:
Chris Tyrell - Founder/CEO OfferBoard (Princeton, NJ)
Marlyn Zucosky, Director of Interior Design at JZA+D
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