Located at 34 Chambers St. in downtown Princeton, the Hub is a base for a wide range of entrepreneurial activities. Its 10,000 square feet of space includes classrooms, offices, meeting rooms and information technology support. Operated by the Keller Center, the Hub provides support and guidance for students, faculty, alumni and entrepreneurial-minded members of the community. Programs based at the Hub include the Keller Center's eLab program, which supports selected student teams seeking to start new ventures.The recently created Princeton Entrepreneurship Council (PEC) is also located in the Hub.
At a ribbon-cutting ceremony on the front steps of the red brick building, Eisgruber was joined at the podium by University Provost David Lee, Keller Center Director and PEC Chair Mung Chiang, and Princeton Mayor Liz Lempert.
"University entrepreneurship cannot exist in a vacuum," Eisgruber said. "Partnerships to facilitate entrepreneurship are increasingly important, and we look forward to ongoing collaborations with municipal leaders and area business partners to cultivate and nurture the entrepreneurial ecosystem in central New Jersey."
Lempert thanked the Unversity leaders for "using the University's focus on entrepreneurship as an avenue to strengthening ties with the wider community."
"You have recognized the brainpower and expertise that exists here in Princeton outside the University's gates and have created the opportunity for synergies that both strengthen the University's programs and energize the town's entrepreneurial environment," she said.”
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