The organization is committed to making sure women of all ages, races, educational levels and income can build confidence in their skills to develop web and mobile applications. The organization's programs are open to both men and women.
"I had an acquaintance who was into the Internet and making money off of making websites for people," Bey tells the Courier-Post of Cherry Hill ( ). "In 2008, she started making $10,000 a month and I was a single mom and no matter how much money I made, I didn't have enough money."
Bey was working three jobs to support her child and even held a bachelor's degree from Rutgers University. The idea of leaving her jobs and working toward her passion for technology was scary, but she was confident.
"I thought if my friend could make that much money in a month, I could do it," she said.
She got a taste of the emerging Philadelphia tech scene when she visited her father, who lived in the city. Bey says she loved the hustle and bustle of the city and decided to move to Camden, only a short drive from Philly.
Bey began to attend every MeetUp and class Girl Develop It Philly held and began to learn even more about coding a website and other related topics. She eventually worked her way to become a teacher-aide and teacher of WordPress classes while still attending classes on her own.
"Girl Develop It Philly is a community of women who were learning together and building a network of women who share the same interest in technology," Bey said.
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