Introduced in September 2015, HINJ’s Value of Medical Innovation presents statistics from a number of resources, including the Advanced Medical Technology Association (AdvaMed), the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO), the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), U.S. government sources and various medical research organizations.
The Value of Medical Innovation page is the latest offering on HINJ.org, which was launched in February 2013 as part of HINJ’s strategic plan to build a dynamic communications capability that delivers relevant, robust and timely information to internal and external stakeholders.
In November 2014, HINJ added a Corporate Social Responsibility section to its website that focuses on HINJ member companies’ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities, including their corporate philanthropy, patient outreach initiatives, community involvement and sustainability/green practices.
In October 2016, HINJ launched a STEM Education portal that focuses on the life sciences community’s investment in today’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) educators and students, who will become tomorrow’s innovation leaders.
HINJ has promoted each of these pages — Value of Medical Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, By the Numbers and STEM Education — via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, which has helped make them among the most-visited areas of the association’s website.
HINJ’s website now is organized into seven topical sections: About HINJ, Life Sciences and New Jersey, Value of Medical Innovation, Corporate Social Responsibility, STEM Education, Policy and News.
In addition, HINJ’s website offers a password-protected Members Portal where member company representatives may digitally access information.
To visit HINJ’s website, visit www.hinj.org or click here.
About HINJ
Founded in 1997, the HealthCare Institute of New Jersey (HINJ) serves as the voice for the state’s life sciences industry. HINJ seeks to expand patient access to the most innovative biopharmaceuticals and medical devices and promote awareness of the industry’s impact on New Jersey’s quality of life and economic well-being.
To learn more, please visit HINJ at hinj.org or follow us via Twitter @ HINJ_ORG, Facebook @ HealthCareInstituteofNewJersey, LinkedIn @HealthCareInstituteOfNewJersey or YouTube @HINJNJ.
To learn more about the Life Sciences’ impact on New Jersey’s economy, please visit New Jersey’s Life Sciences: By the Numbers