1. Regulator - How does the city regulate business models in a way that allows for disruptive entry? (Think Uber!)
2. Advocate - How does the city promote itself as an innovation hub and to new business community to the outside world?
3. Customer - Is procurement accessible to small business, and does it actively seek out innovation?
4. Host - How does the city use space to create opportunities for high-growth companies?
5. Investor - How does the city invest in the skills and businesses required for innovation?
6. Connector - How does the city facilitate physical and digital connectivity?
7. Strategist - How has the city set a clear direction and built the internal capacity required to support innovation?
8. Digital Governor - How does the city use digital channels to foster high-quality, low-friction engagement with citizens?
9. Datavore - How does the city use data to optimize services and provide the raw material for innovation?
See the whole framework here: http://citie.org/?utm_source=Summer+2015&utm_campaign=Summer+2015&utm_medium=email