S-2032 continues the discussion on the importance of computer science education and works with the State Board of Education to develop curriculum guidelines, incorporating them with the existing Technology and Science Core Curriculum Content Standards, where appropriate.
What Happened:
The Senate passed legislation to direct the State Board of Education and the Department of Education to development curriculum guidelines for computer science education in middle and high schools. Specifically, state government will develop guidelines, incorporating them with the existing Technology and Science Core Curriculum Content Standards, where appropriate.
What It Means:
The legislation would support schools districts and educators as they develop a computer science curriculum to become more robust and consistent throughout the state.
Where We Stand:
NJBIA supports the bill. Meeting the demands of our high tech industries and the increasing digital economy requires the state to place a greater focus on computer literacy. Studies have shown the integration of computer science concepts into the K–12 curriculum has not kept pace resulting in a serious shortage of information technologists and a lack of substantive understanding of computers.
What's Next:
The bill, concurrent with the Governor’s recommendations, awaits action in the Assembly.