“The Lieutenant Governor has been a strong supporter of the Governor’s STEM Scholars from the day we announced the program and her passion and enthusiasm come through at every event,” said David Hodges, director of the Governor’s STEM Scholars. “I am certain that her visit to the conference and her message to the scholars about STEM in New Jersey will resonate with them for years to come.”
This mentorship and leadership program is overseen by the Research & Development Council of New Jersey and welcomes students who not only excel academically but who seek to become leaders in STEM in New Jersey. In addition to supporting the academic and career goals of the Scholars, the program provides feedback to the State, policymakers, and the STEM community at large to assist in improving the State’s STEM programs and highlighting STEM as an economic driver.
A list of the 59 Governor’s STEM Scholars for 2016 is available on the program’s website at http://www.govstemscholars.com/scholars-2016/.