“MForesight is a national program comprised of a team of individuals drawn from academia, industry, and professional associations charged with identifying promising, advanced technologies that have high potential to positively impact manufacturing in the United States,” said DeRocco.
DeRocco continued, “This project, which is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology, explores the research investments of the public and private sectors to screen for early stage emerging and evolving technologies that—with significant investment—will keep the U.S. competitive in the global economy far into the future.”
The goal is to ensure the availability of an educated, skilled and ready workforce, developed by industry, research institutions and the National Network of Manufacturing Innovation Institutes.
Franklin said, “I’m honored to become a member of the MForesight team in this exciting and progressive initiative.”
“I look forward to helping to create the vision and strategies that will better align educational programming and workforce development with new competencies demanded by new technologies,” Franklin added.
The New Jersey Innovation Institute (NJII) is an NJIT corporation that applies the intellectual and technological resources of the state’s science and technology university to challenges identified by industry partners.
Through its Innovation Labs (iLabs), NJII brings NJIT expertise to key economic sectors, including healthcare delivery systems, bio-pharmaceutical production, civil infrastructure, defense and homeland security, and financial services.