Of 285 colleges considered, the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) was named one of 64 colleges offering fully online degrees and providing exceptional support.
In order to be considered for inclusion in the Top Online Colleges for Women in STEM list, schools were required to offer at least 10 fully online STEM degrees at the bachelor’s level or higher. For colleges that met the criteria, the organization calculated a STEM-Friendly Score.
Factors considered include proportion of female STEM graduates and presence of online resources for women in STEM, among other factors indicative of support.
SR Education Group assessed the colleges’ performance in each category, weighted each factor based on relative importance, and combined all weighted scores to determine overall STEM-Friendly Scores.
With a score of 74.84, NJIT ranked 26 on the list.
For more on the methodology, visit http://www.guidetoonlineschools.com/online-schools/women-stem/methodology.