Employers are asked to participate in information sessions, prescreening potential employees, internships and interviewing the trainees for available job openings at the successful conclusion of training and internship. Employers providing work-based learning opportunities to the LTU are offered reimbursement to cover any internship stipends or on-the-job training wages, subject to federal guidelines up to $10,000 per individual in the three industries: Advanced Manufacturing, Information Technology and Life Sciences. For the other industries, such subsidies may be available from NJLWD. The grant also offers employers limited training funds to upgrade the skills of incumbent employees.
For individuals registered in the grant, we provide several services including assessment, employment counseling, soft-skills and occupational training as required, internships with employers, on-the-job training, and job placement. Financial consulting and other supportive services towards job placement are also available as needed. All our services are funded by the grant and there is absolutely no cost to the employers or participants.
Employer associations such as NJBIA, NJTC, HINJ, SNJDC, and NJCC are major partners in the grant and are helping us reach their members and spread the word about benefits of employing a trained workforce and salary subsidies.
For the past ten years, the Consortium has been a leader in addressing the training needs of NJ’s employer community. Through our network of 19 community colleges we have trained over 120,000 employees for over 5,000 New Jersey employers.
More information about the grant is available at http://rtwnj.org.