Rutgers-Camden will host a college fair Saturday, June 10 for unauthorized immigrants interested in taking advantage of a New Jersey law that allows young people living in the country illegally to attend public colleges at in-state tuition rates.
The event will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the Camden Campus Center at the corner of Third and Penn streets.
In addition to getting information on how to apply to college, unauthorized immigrants can attend a "Know Your Rights" presentation by Rutgers Law School and get free individual legal screenings and referrals.
This is the third year Rutgers has held information sessions designed for unauthorized immigrants.
Previous college fairs on the Newark and New Brunswick campuses have attracted hundreds of unauthorized immigrant students and their families who packed the events to capacity.
At the first "undocuRutgers" college fair at Rutgers-Newark in 2015, the university increased security and limited access to the session after organizers received threats. Rutgers officials also barred the media and the public from the sessions to protect the students' privacy.
Security will also be present at this year's session in Camden and the media will not be permitted into the event, said Mike Sepanic, a Rutgers-Camden spokesman. Because there is no advance registration, campus officials do not know how many people will be attending.
Gov. Chris Christie signed legislation, called the N.J. Dream Act, in 2013 that allows children who were brought to the U.S. illegally to pay in-state tuition at New Jersey's public colleges and universities.
Rutgers has said previously that it holds the informational sessions because students have asked questions about how to apply since the law was passed in 2013.