- Permit a company to raise a maximum aggregate amount of $1 million through crowdfunding offerings in a 12-month period;
- If either their annual income or net worth is less than $100,000, the investor cannot invest the greater of $2,000 or 5 percent of their annual income or net worth;
- If both their annual income and net worth are equal to or more than $100,000, the investor can invest up to 10 percent of their annual income or net worth; and,
- During the 12-month period, the aggregate amount of securities sold to an investor through all crowdfunding offerings may not exceed $100,000.
A company relying on the rules would be required to conduct its offering exclusively through one intermediary platform at a time.”
For the full story: http://ssti.org/blog/sec-adopts-rules-permit-equity-crowdfunding-non-accredited-investors?utm_source=SSTI+Weekly+Digest&utm_campaign=77868b6cc3-SSTI_Weekly_Digest_for_11_5_2015&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ecf5992d4c-77868b6cc3-220101229.