· Reaffirming Stockton’s mission and culture of high quality teaching, as well as its commitment to the liberal arts and sciences, general education, and research standards;
· Enhancing the potential for recruitment, particularly among international students and faculty, where the word “college” causes confusion. The change also benefits Stockton in forging partnerships with institutions in other countries;
· Enhancing the potential to attract more graduate students to Stockton’s growing programs;
· Capitalizing on the perceived increase in status that the name “university” confers within higher education and among the general public. This may aid in fundraising and recruitment.
The estimated costs of a name change, which are expected to be phased in over five or more years, range from $654,208 to $956,082, depending on what is included. The range covers replacing signage and updating institutional and marketing materials such as stationery, business cards, flags, seals and banners. Some of those materials are updated and reprinted annually and their costs would be absorbed in existing budgets. Some items of historical significance may not be changed. “The institution’s culture as a community committed to student-centered education will continue to flourish as Stockton University,” President Saatkamp said.