How might sensory stimulation, including taste and smell, be impacted by health care in the future? Tina Garyantes, an expert in sensory science and VP of Innovation at Chromocell, will fill us in.
Join us as we travel forward in time – to 2020 and beyond - to have a peek at the future of health care.
October 22, 20156:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Location: University Hall - 7th floor conference center
Sponsor: Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship
Cost: Free but please pre-register
More Information:
Keynote speaker and moderator: Edie Weiner, president and CEO, The Future Hunters
Julie Bauer, president of Panasonic Consumer Corp. of North America
Tina Garyantes, VP of Innovation, Chromocell
Louisa Roberts, associate partner, IBM Watson Life Sciences