Christopher Frias of Union City High School and Jackson Weaver of McNair Academic High School have been named winners of the Jersey City Medical Center/Barnabas Health STEM Showcase and will represent the competition at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in May.
Frias, a senior, and Weaver, a junior, were among approximately 300 students in grades 5 through 12 who presented their projects on the opening day of the competition Monday. The two advanced into the super judging round of the showcase on Wednesday, along with 11 other high school students.
Frias's project is titled "Gold Nanoparticle Generation with the Assistance of Atmospheric Pressure Non-Thermal Microplasmas," while Weaver took a first place finish for his project, "The Electrifying Speed of Enzymes."
In addition to the gold medal high school students, a number of elementary and middle school students were also recognized for their efforts.
Medals and prizes will be presented at an awards ceremony and celebration on April 5 at New Jersey City University. Click here for a full list of medal winners. More awards will be announced at a later time.
For Villanova’s full story, click here.